Teknofest Türkiye International UAV Challenge - Muhammad Umer's Portfolio

Teknofest Türkiye International UAV Challenge

Teknofest is held every year by Republic of Türkiye which focuses on the development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) which are not just any ordinary UAVs but designed to solve a problem faced by humanity or lead to a leap in technological development. Teams can choose their own flight missions besides the UAV to be completely autonomous when taking-off and landing. My team, called Team Irtifaah, took part in the competition and our mission was to drop a payload, imitating a relief package drop in disaster relief situations.

Initial Design

The Initial Design was designed based on our MS Excel Worksheet. 

A sample image of the MS Excel spreadsheet. (Not made by me)

Minor changes were made in the design later on.

Final Design

The final design of the UAV was changed to allow horizontal airfoils with no taper angle.

We had decided to make a U-tail instead. U-tail contains two vertical stabilizers instead of one while also having a horizontal stabilizer. 
Even though our design was quite stable, our idea of this UAV was not approved by the Teknofest teams.


The following section includes the rendering results of the final CAD model inside Keyshot.

The renderings were performed on the whole drone model. The model consists of the fuselage, main wing, U-Tail and its struts, landing gears, and main motors.

The servo motors have also been made in the CAD design (and have been rendered as well) along with the connecting rod for turning the flaperon. The motor supports have also been made in the model (which we had decided to 3D print) and also the connector between the support and the motor.

Even the wiring has been made in the CAD model using Ribbon cables and harness cables inside SOLIDWORKS Routing using Connection Points. With the fuselage hidden, the internal circuitry can be seen all present inside the fuselage.

This environment was chosen in order to imitate the landing area. The front view of the camera with an increased focal length can be seen.

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